Non-Surgical Nose Job

A large proportion of the population are unhappy with the profile of their noses. The nose is a prominent feature of the face and plays a significant role in the facial appearance. Noses can come in various sizes and shapes, and it is often the shape of the nose that causes most distress. Clients describe distinctive bumps, humps or hook-like shapes which cause the most dislike.

Surgical nose jobs (rhinoplasty) can be quite drastic with the nose essentially “broken” during surgery and restructured. There is considerable down-time with bruising and swelling taking several months to resolve.

It is no surprise then that non-surgical alternatives using advanced dermal fillers to gently but effectively re-shape the nose are becoming increasingly popular.

Benefits include:

  • Gentle approach
  • Immediate results
  • Quicker recovery
  • Costs considerably less than surgery

At Skyn Doctor, we are one of the few regional clinics that have a group of highly skilled doctors that are able to use advanced dermal fillers to gently but effectively re-shape the nose.

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