5 tips for Great Autumn Skin

Our skin is an important defensive barrier. When the weather becomes colder our skin loses its natural moisturising oils and is more susceptible to damage. Naturally we need to take extra special care of it – from the inside and out. Below are my top 5 tips for keeping your skin healthy and radiant this autumn:


  1. Exercise

Exercise increases blood flow and oxygen  around your body to your cells. Also, working up a sweat, is the equivalent of having a mini-facial as your body expels dirt, oil and chemicals. Make sure you wash your face with a gentle cleanser after exercise to ensure the dirt doesn’t clog your skin again.

  1. Drink, drink, drink!

You’ve heard it many times but drinking water really is essential to healthy skin – especially if you are exercising regularly and need to replace your fluids. Experts suggest at least 2L of fluids a day to maintain good hydration.  .

  1. Use a protective lip salve

The skin on your lips is very sensitive and prone to becoming chapped, especially when it’s cold outside. To avoid painful and unsightly cracks, always carry a protective lip balm with you and use it anytime you are tempted to lick your lips or pill at dry skin

  1. Use oil-based moisturiser and foundation

We recommend clients with dry skin use an oil-based moisturiser all year round – but it’s especially important as your skin loses it’s natural oils in colder months. If you want to prevent fine lines and ensure that your make up sits comfortably on your skin, you should use the moisturiser in the morning, night and after washing your face.

It is also important to match the base ingredient of your moisturiser with the base ingredient of your foundation. We recommend oil-based foundations or tinted moisturisers during autumn and winter months to reduce the appearance of flakes and dry patches.

  1. Look after your hands

Our hands have fewer oil glands than the rest of our skin and it’s quite common for the skin to dry out, become rough and age prematurely. As well as wearing gloves to protect yourself from the cold, you should invest in a good quality hand cream and apply it after washing your hands.

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