Skin tags are very common and they often appear on a neck. Skin tags vary in size from smaller than a grain of uncooked rice to larger than a broad bean. They are often associated with friction either skin against skin or skin against clothing and so they are often found in the groin, under the breasts, around the neck and under the armpits. These fleshy lumps can grow either on their own, or several in a cluster, skin tag removal is easily achieved.
Skin Tag Removal
The colour of a skin tag is usually the same as the surrounding skin, but they can become darker and therefore more noticeable often being mistaken for moles.
Some skin tags have a clearly defined stalk which attaches it to the body while others have developed with the whole body growing off the skin.

The tag is held firmly by tweezers and the neck is cauterised by diathermy heat current via a fine probe and the tag is then detached.
A scab will occur from the remaining section of the neck of the tag which once healed will drop off to reveal clean skin.
The type of tag, the area in which the skin tag is located, and client comfort will determine the best treatment process and price which will be advised before treatment.
We are able to treat skin tags in intimate areas if accessible e.g. anal or genital and of a small attachment to actual skin e.g. 1/4 cm or less, the size of the tag is irrelevant it is the actual attachment size that needs to be small.
Normally only one treatment only is required for skin tags removal.
Also to note large skin tags with a thick attachment with a well established blood supply may need to be classed as a minor surgery removal which will be costed at the time of consultation.

- Single Tag – classic skin tag £75 depending on size of attachment and accessibility
- Small tags on eyelids/around eyes (15 mins – 30 mins) £125 – £195
- Multiple classic tags within a 15 minute Treatment £95
- Multiple classic tags within a 30 minute Treatment £170
- Additional 15 mins of treatment – classic tags £65
- Anal and genital skin tags (not warts) – each £175
- Large skin tags with thick attachments £ price on consultation
For more information or to book a consultation, call 01484943099 or get in touch online.