The Non-surgical Nosejob

A large proportion of the population may be unhappy with the appearance of their nose. Nasal humps and bumps along with nasal asymmetry can cause much distress and have an impact of the facial appearance.

Previously patients had to undergo rhinoplasty surgery, which was not only expensive but also led to extensive facial bruising and swelling that took months to settle.

At Skyn Doctor we use premium advanced dermal filler to correct nasal humps and asymmetry in our non-surgical nose job. These fillers contain hyaluronic acid, which is a natural volumising agent that sits under our skin. There is no downtime and results last typically 18-24 months.

Our non-surgical nose job can be used to

  • Even out nasal bumps and depressions
  • Raise the bridge of the nose
  • Correct asymmetry
  • Fill depressions in the sidewall of the nose
  • To slim the nose

For more information on the non-surgical nose job or to book a consultation with one of our experienced doctors, call our Skyndoctor clinic on 01484 615287

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