Rosacea Treatment in Rotherham

What Is Rosacea?

Rosacea is characterised by the recurrent reddening of skin in the face, which in advanced cases becomes permanent. Broken blood vessels can become visible on the skin’s surface, and swelling and soreness are common symptoms. Its cause is unknown, but Rosacea is understood to be exacerbated by alcohol and caffeine consumption, among other factors. Due to its striking impact on the appearance of the face, this condition can produce significant distress in sufferers. Treatment for Rosacea is available at our Rotherham clinic.

How Do We Treat Rosacea?

Treatment for this condition is relatively quick and completely pain-free. We use Dermalux LED Phototherapy to accelerate the healing process and reduce inflammation and redness. This leaves the skin rejuvenated and its colour returned to a more typical hue. We also use laser technology to eliminate any small visible blood vessels. Book an appointment today at our Rotherham clinic for rosacea treatment.

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